Our Services

Our reports are difference makers in the hands of a candidates, corporations, interest groups, pollsters, media consultants, debate coaches and campaigns of all sorts. Our reports are summarized, organized, easy to read, easy to reference with all the background, documentation and support information provided in both print and electronic form. We also provide an Executive Summary and Research Highlights with specific recommendations and message points – And, of course, we are in for the long haul with ongoing consultation throughout the campaign.

We offer a full range of products from comprehensive opposition research report and self-assessment vulnerability reports to background reports, strategy memos and top-line assessments.

  • Opposition Research
  • Ongoing Consultation
  • Public Records Requests
  • Background Reports
  • Strategy Memos
  • Corporate Intel Reports
  • Self-Assessment Research
  • Polling Support
  • Debate Prep
  • Top Line Assessments
  • Competitor Research
  • Rapid Response Support

We work fast, focused and strictly confidential!

Our standard opposition research reports includes:

  • Extensive Civil, Criminal and Administrative Background Check -nationwide and exhaustive searches of all available records
  • Comprehensive Media Search – We access over 25,000 authoritative sources then organize, analyze and provide copies of all pertinent articles to the client
  • Exhaustive Internet, Blog and Social Media Search – We cast a very wide net with all related documentation and analysis provided to the client
  • Bio/Resume Check – Is your opponent or your candidate who they say they are? If they are ‘puffing’ their resume we’ll find it
  • Vote analysis for incumbents and subjects with prior public service experience – we comb through the public record, legislative journals and meeting minutes to find key votes and recorded statements
  • Financial Disclosure Analysis
  • An Executive Summary that is easy to read, easy to understand with specific recommendations and message points for candidates and the campaign team
  • Research Highlights – Our take on key information gathered from the Research